Karlie Box Program

If you would love to learn about the history of our Karlie Box Program and how it was created, click below!


Our Karlie Box Program will consist of us mailing out boxes on a monthly bases filled with diabetic supplies to children and young adults diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The boxes will contain supplies that are needed to care for this deadly disease on a daily basis, this will include: needles, alcohol pads, blood testing meters, blood testing strips, continuous glucose monitors, sensors for the CGM, ketone strips, glucose, low carbohydrate snacks, glucose tablets, lancets, insulin and any other items we find feasible. Our vision for this program is that type 1 diabetic will have everything they need to successfully treat this disease so that they can live a long life. We plan to execute this program yearly by mailing out as many boxes that are requested as well as quarterly mailout for those in need. Our boxes will be funded by our yearly fundraisers, partners, sponsors, and donors.

Request a Karlie Box TODAY!

Please answer questions below. Your answers to the questions help us to pick a special gift for the person receiving the Karlie Box.

Thank you for your interest in the Karlie Box Program.

We’re fighting Type 1 Diabetes one box at a time!!!